Oh no!
I injured myself. I went for a walk with the Hubby and our Beagle Samantha and stepped off a curb wrong. I rolled my ankle and went down fast and hard. I hit the ground on my hands and knees. But it was my foot that was injured. I could barely hobble back home. I elevated it, iced it and it was swollen and painful. I wanted to walk today but I cannot put weight on it without tears coming to my eyes. I even took a pain pill. I am such a clutz!!! Now I may have messed up my weight loss. How can I come through major surgery with no problems and get messed up on a walk through the neighborhood? It hurts!

You haven't messed up your weight loss! Heck, I didn't start seriously walking until about 2-3 months out. I'm sorry about your ankle, though, I've done that several times and I know how much it hurts. Take care of it!
Don't you just hate that? The worst spring I ever got in my life was when I stepped down ONE stair wrong!! Be sure to get it x-rayed if you think you may have broken it instead.
I wouldn't worry about the weight loss. It takes calories to heal too so you are burning them off. Just do what you can...even if it's lifting weights or something (one past doc told me to lift a can of corn in each hand over my head 10 times as arm exercise if I didn't have 'weights').
Hope you mend quickly!
I wouldn't worry about the weight loss. It takes calories to heal too so you are burning them off. Just do what you can...even if it's lifting weights or something (one past doc told me to lift a can of corn in each hand over my head 10 times as arm exercise if I didn't have 'weights').
Hope you mend quickly!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Hang in there! It will be fine. I know you are disappointed and upset about it but the bright side of it, you are still very early out. Your body will be losing the weight regardless at this point. But like Sherri said, find a way to exercise your upper body. I don't think you will see a problem with your losing weight.
The important thing is to get it healed. If you still can't walk on it and its really swollen by tomorrow you better get it checked.
I will put you on my prayer list. Keep us informed and try not to worry about your weight loss. Your pouch won't be happy with you worrying.
Take care, Tracy
The important thing is to get it healed. If you still can't walk on it and its really swollen by tomorrow you better get it checked.
I will put you on my prayer list. Keep us informed and try not to worry about your weight loss. Your pouch won't be happy with you worrying.
Take care, Tracy